Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Around our house...

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food, and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand, and for a talk beside the fire: it is time for home."  -Edith Sitwell

With our apricot tree in bloom, it seemed that spring was on its way, but it was not to be.  We have had a cold snap lately.  Wonder if it zapped my future apricots. Right now my tree is full of doves with feathers fluffed trying to stay warm.


Birds of a feather, flocking together...
My cat, Maggie, likes to go outside in the warm weather, but if it is too cold, she sits outside the kitchen window waiting to be let in…it has been pretty cold lately.  Here she sits...

Watching for me to open the door...

When is she going to let me in?….

Here she comes…

I think...

Wait…what's that over there…I might have to change my mind…no, I think I will come in…brrrr.
When she finally gets in, she has a favorite spot to warm up.  Ahhh, the sun feels good on the backside.

That sunshine feels divine...
I have been staying close to home not because of the cold, but because I have a cold.  I hate colds.  I have been taking Airborne, vitamin C, Zicam, using lots of kleenix (the kind with lotion in them), and Vicks vaporub.   When I was a kid, Vicks was the all time remedy for everything.  I don't know if I have shortened my cold or not, but I am certainly over the counter medicated.

I have read that Chicken soup was supposed to help shortened the length of a cold, and its intensity.   I found a great recipe online…not for chicken, but for the most fantastic turkey recipe ever.  It is from Miz Booshay's blog, Quite Life.  The recipe has two ingredients: a turkey breast, and a stick of butter.  My kind of recipe.  She used a turkey breast with bones, but I found a boneless turkey breast which I liked better.  No bones to deal with later.  All you do is put the 2 ingredients in a crockpot, and turn it on low for 8 hours or so.  I put mine on the night before, so we could have it for lunch.  You could put in on early in the morning, and have it ready for evening dinner.  MMMM…good.  Better than Campbell's soup.

photo by Miz Booshay, Quiet Life Blog

After it is cooked, shred the turkey like you would for pulled pork.  If you used a turkey breast with bones, throw out the bones.  It makes great sandwiches, or served in flour tortillas…or as a soup.  I am telling you, it is the BEST tasting turkey ever.  

photo by Miz Booshay, Quiet Life Blog
Go get a turkey breast and stick of butter.  You will thank me for the recipe.  Be blessed.


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