Thursday, June 4, 2015 all about it...Warren retires...

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." -Helen Keller

After 43 years in pediatric practice, 38 of them in our local community...Warren says good-bye...

Some patients were so kind to send photos of Dr. McKelvy with them during their last appointments...truly a bittersweet experience.  

Warren officially retired at noon, on May 29, 2015.  

His office...closed.

His office staff, aka "his girls", made sure his retirement would be one he would remember forever...

...with decorations...

... his office...there were balloons, and streamers among all the charts...

A good-bye basket, and a lemon pie...


When he drove up to begin his last day of work, the girls were picketing outside the office with these signs...

 ...and when he went into the office, they wrapped his car in plastic wrap.  

The girls were pretty happy with their wrap job, but Warren was worried the plastic wrap would melt on his car...

Even with all the packing in the office...patients were still being seen.  I asked permission to take pictures to commemorate the last patient of his career...

The office did not look the same...

The bulletin board that held the faces of all his patient's through the years...

was pretty much bare...

the waiting room empty...

the exam room's supplies packed...

And the charts gone...

But...The memories will alway remain...

He had the best staff ever..."his girls" kept McKelvy Pediatrics running like a well-tuned machine...with some fun times thrown in.  I was amazed at how they got him to "loosen up."

Gru...and his Minions
Luz, Gwen, Dr. McKelvy, Lorena, Rosa
 The ugly sweater day...
Gwen, Rosa, Dr. McKelvy, Luz, Lorena
Dr. McKelvy and his girls...
Gwen, Rosa, Dr. McKelvy, Luz, Lorena
We want to thank all of Dr. McKelvy's patients for making his 38 years of practice a wonderful experience.  You all are the best.  Many thanks to Dr. McKelvy's hardworking staff..."his girls"are the most efficient, compassionate, and supportive team ever.  You will be missed, and you have left us with a heart full of wonderful memories, and joy as we experienced the most daring of adventures ever...pediatric care. We love, and appreciate each, and every one of you!

God Bless everyone!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your retirement from a great career. Now you will find youself busier than ever! - Liz C

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