Monday, May 23, 2016

Twins...Awana's...and another attempted photo shoot...

"Children make your life important." -Erma Bombeck

The boys have been attending Awana's every Wednesday at church.  They are "cubbies".  What is Awana's?  It is a Bible based program to teach children about the Lord, His Word, and His Way.  They have stories, learn songs, and memorize scripture.  They have a variety of activities so they can earn badges for completing a project, or saying their memory verse.  The boys each have a Cubbie book that has great hands on projects, and stories that teach Biblical values, and character.  We do the activities, but what they like the most, is the CD with the stories, and Bible verses.  They ask to listen to it during nap time, and bedtime.  One day I heard Tate playing, and he was quoting one of his scriptures.  It was very nice to hear.

Last Wednesday was the award program for the kids.  They performed their songs, said their memory verses, and got their ribbons.

Sawyer third from the left (first row)...he's sticking out his tongue.  Tate second from the right (first row) next to the girl on the end.  Notice their cubbie vests:  they each have earned an apple badge.  It's at the top of the "A" on the left side of the vest.  

Hmmm.  Somehow they are all singing a song, but each one seems to be doing a different hand gesture.  

Sawyer always has his cars with him.  See them in his hands?

Gini gives Sawyer his ribbon.
Tate was too fast for me to take a picture.  He was up and down in no time.

It goes without saying that I love taking photographs.  Nothing brings me more joy than taking pictures of my grandkids...or my own kids (even though they are all grown now).  I like to look at other photographers to try to make my photos better.  There is one photographer that I adore her work.  Her name is Elena Shumilova.  She lives in Russia, and is self-taught.  I have never seen photos like the ones she gets...they are breath taking.  I've read all I can about her, and even had my name on the waiting list for her workshops she was offering in the USA. (I did not get in...Rats).  Anyway, she says to photograph your kids everyday doing everyday things to get them used to the camera.  That way, they will learn to ignore it.  Well, I have been trying to do that, but these photos were staged...and you can tell by their silly faces.  What can I was pouring rain outside, and I thought it would be a fun time to snap a few photos.  It was something to do.

That's my photo shoot of the twins.  Stay tuned for of these days.  And hopefully doing everyday things.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Fun Adventures...Tyron Equestrian Center...

"A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves-strong, powerful, beautiful-and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence." -Pam Brown

"I've often said there's nothing better for the inside of man than the outside of a horse." -Ronald Reagan

Out in the middle of nowhere, and outside the city of Tryon (about 20 miles away), there is the most amazing equestrian center.  We had no idea it existed until a couple from our church called to ask if we wanted to go watch "Saturday night lights" at this center.  Saturday night lights is not like "Friday Night Lights"...which is football.  This is a horse jumping competition held every Saturday night during spring, and summer months.  I immediately wanted to go since I have had a love of horses since I was a little girl.  Warren was not too sure he wanted to go, but he did change his mind, and he is glad he did.  We had the most wonderful time.  When we drove in, we were in awe at the size, and beauty of the place.

There was housing for staff, restaurants, shops, corrals, barns, and many training and competition fields...and tons of parking.  Along the side of the roads, there were tons pots containing many different kinds of plants.  I guess at some point someone is going to plant these for landscaping.  It literally looked like a nursery.  Since the competition had not started when we arrived, we took the opportunity to look around.

This is one of the many shops...

There was not one boot under $1000 in this shop...

I am not sure, but I think this is VIP seating, and it maybe part of a dining experience...

There was activities galore for all ages...

As the competition was about to start, and we were walking to find a perfect seat, this dog was performing tricks of his own.  The owners were seated behind him, and they had no idea his dog was focused on a group of ladies seated at a table not far from him eating hamburgers.  I think he wanted one of their burgers, and was doing his best to impress them in hopes of getting some pieces of meat flung his way.

This guy was on the practice field before the competition started.  I thought it was interesting that all of the horses wore these little "hats" over their ears.

The riders were from all over the world, as were the horses.  The competition begins.  The winner will receive a $25, 000 in prize money.  

The event was divided into two sections with about 20 riders in each.  In between the two groups, maintenance crews came out to wet down, and drag the field...and throw T-shirts to the crowd.

Round two begins...

There was a lady rider from Santa Fe that I was hoping would win, but she did not.  This guy here had the best ride, and ultimately won the competition.

We were told the center, as we saw it, was only half completed.  There were plans for a full resort and spa.  I found out there is a weekly farmer's market there as well.  I shall have to check it out.    

There was only one bad accident when a horse did not make it over a double poled jump, stumbled, and landed on its knees, and throwing the rider off.  Both were visibly shaken, but neither hurt very badly.  Warren reminded me that it was doing this sport that "Superman", Christopher Reeves, was injured and paralyzed.  I was very glad that neither horse or rider were hurt, and both walked off the field.  We definitely plan to go back, and day or night...we will stay there just for the fun of it.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Around Here...

"A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture everyday of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which god has implanted in the human soul." -Goethe

I thought I would do a quick update on things going on around here.  I will start with the twins.  They like to play "hide-n-seek.  Only their way of playing is interesting.  They hide, and tell us to come find them, but always tell us where they have hidden.  Of course, we pretend to search and not find, so they tell us more loudly where they are.  On this particular day, they chose a very unique hiding spot... the washer and dryer.  Tate was in the washer, while Sawyer was in the dryer.

Sawyer must have anticipated us not being able to find him, because he took his puzzle into the dryer with him...

After we "found" them, they both decided to get into the dryer, and put puzzles together.

Spring has sprung around here.  I thought I would take you on a tour of the flowers around our house.

These grow wild around our house, and the lot next door.  I think these are blackberry bushes.  I am waiting to see if I have guessed right.

I planted pansies around my mail box last fall.  They are so pretty now.
I am not familiar with a lot of the plants around here.  I have been hearing about Rhododendrons, and their beauty.  I soon learned what they looked like, but didn't think they were very pretty...until I saw them bloom.  I first noticed the buds...

It appears to be one flower, but it is not.  Each little pink shape, blooms into a flower.  Below is one that has bloomed on the right... with the bumble bee on it.

More buds...

This is what the buds turn into...a bunch of little flowers...

Here is the bush with all the buds blooming...they are gorgeous...

We have several of these bushes as well.  I have no clue what the name of this bush is...

Today, I got to see it in bloom.  Each little red dot, blooms into a beautiful pink flower.  As you can see this one is just beginning to mature.

We have Calla Lilies too.  Well, one plant.  I think it is gorgeous as well...

One of the plants famous in this area is the azalea.  When I saw their spectacular color: red, pink, white, and the bushes covered with blooms, I wanted one of these plants.  I went to the Ace Hardware to buy a couple of plants.  They did not have the color I wanted, so I ended up not buying any.  I was greatly disappointed, but I wasn't going to spend $35 on a color I did not want.  Imagine my surprise the next day I was out watering our bushes when I noticed these buds...

Could I already have azalea plants?  While our neighbors bushes were in full bloom, ours were not. I did have azalea plants!  I just didn't know it until I saw the buds. These are the buds of an azalea plant.  I counted 7 azalea plants around our house!  All of them are the color I wanted: pink.  Isn't God good?  Not only did he give us an awesome house, but He gave me the plants I wanted as well.

I for some time I have wanted to put in a raised bed Herb garden.  I decided to get the project done this past weekend.  I went to SAM's to check on raised beds...they cost about $80.00.  I didn't buy any.  I bought cinder blocks instead.  10 of them.  They cost $1.56/each.  That's a lot cheaper than the one at SAM's.  I spray painted them, and used them to make my raised herb garden.  I like them much better than the premade raised beds.  With the cinder blocks, I can add on at any time.  I planted basil, parsley, tomatoes, bee balm, cilantro, and marigolds to keep the bugs away.

My last big project was to paint a table that Luke had, but was going to donate to Goodwill.   He gave it to me instead...cause I asked for it.  I like to paint tables.    I love how this one turned out.  I graces my front porch...and it does add a lot of color to the area.

That is it for now.  Be blessed.

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