Monday, November 17, 2014

Dad Ride part 2...

 The Dad ride: Oct. 3- Oct. 6;  Buena Vista, Co

For Warren's birthday Luke organized a Dad ride where all the boys met in a predetermined location.  They would use this site as home base for their bike rides.  If you missed the first posting about it, you can read about it here.  Disclaimer:  all these photos are not taken by me, but by the boys or Warren.  I did the editing. 

Here is the organizer of the whole adventure, Luke.

He ordered a cake.

He had T-shirts made for everyone!

Luke flew into Denver, and he drove to Buena Vista with Mark.

The view...gorgeous.  Perfect biking weather.

View from their front porch

Shoe fitting...

Thank goodness all the boys are basically the same shoe size...close enough that the shoes worked... seems to be the shoe color...
 Getting the bikes...

Trying out bikes????


Still adjusting...

More adjusting...hmmm... Zach's bike needs a lot of adjusting...

They seem to be checking out the odometer...

more adjustments to Zach's bike...

Giving orders...???

The Ride
Smile everyone...

Ready to ride...

They are off...

Okay, this must be more of the adjustment phase...notice there are no helmets, which is a big thing with Warren.  They would NOT be riding with no helmets.  So this picture is out of place, but I am just happy to get these photos posted.

Guess whose head this is...hint: there is no hair.

The Dad...looking Tour De France-y

Son number 1...


Someone always seems to get a flat tire.  His name starts with an "I" 

And must have had a wreck...same one that had the flat tire...

 Being funny...

Close up of the leg...ouch!

Down time

These two have the same stance.  Interesting...

Finally, a picture with them all smiling and not making funny faces.

Playing catch...

The race...

Each boy had a turn at cooking...Looks pretty scrumptious...
 It would not be a get together without a game of Risk, the game the boys alway play when they are together.  I do not know who won.

I think they all had a great time...
Hey you...

Happy, happy birthday.
Thanks to all of you for making this a very fun, and special time for Warren...and taking time out of your busy schedules.  Luke, thank you for planning it all.  You did a fantastic job!


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