In my Start to Finish Class by Kim Klassen, we learned how to make our own layouts using multiple photos in Lightroom. The more I work with Lightroom, the more I am impressed with it as a photo editing program. There is not much that program will not do! It organizes your photo library...I mean you can find any is kind of like the card catalog in a library. You can edit, do slideshows, print sheets of photos in any configuration, make name it, it has it. Invest in worth it!
I chose to use the picture of my ladybug on the daisy, and the daisy for my first attempt at putting together a layout. So easy, and pretty cool.
Our next assignment was to put together a story-telling shoot. The possibilities were endless. Our shoot had to tell a story, share an idea, maybe something we love, a recipe, or craft project. I would have done my cat, Maggie, but I was in Santa Fe when I read the assignment. Unfortunately, my cat was at home. I decided to use items from the Bed & Breakfast where we were staying...Las Palomas. If you are in Santa Fe, this place is pretty fantastic. The Bed & Breakfast offered lattes, cappuccinos, tea, and cookies 24/7. I had them make me a latte, grabbed a cookie, books off their shelf, and set up my photo shoot. They had gorgeous afternoon light through a west window, so I placed a table there, and began. I decided my theme would be...Bliss...
My idea of Bliss:
1. A quiet place
2. A good book
3. An excellent latte
4. A delicious cookie
Simply Divine!
Be blessed.
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