Monday, June 10, 2013

Our Sunsets...

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." -Rabindranth Tagore

On Saturday, the picture we were supposed to capture for our 30 day June challenge was a sunrise or sunset.  Well, I did not make it up in time for the sunrise, so that left the sunset.  Clouds filled the sky in the later evening, and I was afraid I was going to miss my sunset as well.  I went out anyway in hopes of getting a sunset.  Boy, did I get a sunset, and other surprises as well.

This is three pictures stitched together.  On the left, is Capitan Mountain, center: the sun setting, and to the right: a storm on the horizon.
A promise from God...

There was actually a double rainbow, but it did not capture well.  
When I drove up, and parked my car, there were two antelope looking at me.  They looked at me as if to say, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"  One ran off, but this one seem offended that I was actually in his territory.  He looked at me for a long time, then ran off with his head held high.  

I wanted to take some lightning pictures, but not out in the open.  Warren and I had spent some of the afternoon scouting out possible places where I could photograph lightning without getting wet, or standing in the open.  I thought we had found the perfect spot, at a building that had a carport covering the back of it, and it was in an area that did not have trees, or buildings blocking the view.  After my sunset pictures, I drove to the spot to take lightning shots.  Unfortunately, my perfect spot was lit up like a Christmas tree.  It had a ton of security lights on, which ruined my plan.  Oh well.  Back to scouting out potential spots.  


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