Maggie is one fantastic little helper. One of her favorite hobbies is helping out with photo editing. I am sure I know exactly what she's thinking... "Okay, I am ready. Where's the first picture that you want me to work on? Come on where is it...this blank screen will never do...
Oh, great photo. Let me see, I will just take my paw, and move the picture a little over to the right. There that looks pretty perfect to me. Next one please...
Oh, cute picture of a mama and baby. That brings back fond memories of me when I was a kitten. I was such a cute kitten. I think if I step on this key...or maybe this one, it will make the picture even better.
I think looking at the picture from the top of the computer gives a better perspective. I can see to move things around much better from on top here. Besides, I like hanging out here.
I not only work on desk top computers, I am especially good with laptops, too. I think I will sign in and check out my email. Hey, what's the password to unlock this thing?
I am pretty handy with an iPad too. I know, I know. My talent is unlimited. This is Rob's morning workout from "Daily Hiit", which stands for: high, intensity, interval training. I have to hit the replay button for her since she usually has to do three reps of the daily workout. It sure wears her and me out!
Enough of the CD, I think I will go check out the sewing bag. Hmmm, this looks like a good place to take a short nap.
With nap time over, I think it would be fun to help organize this drawer. It looks like it has some great things for me to play with. I especially like iPhone cords, and I see one over in the upper left hand corner. They are the best for chewing.
Look, I found this pen and scissors in the drawer. They are also good to chew on.
What's that I hear? Could that be the bed going up? I am so good at helping make the bed. Okay, tuck it under a little here, and there. That's the next side...
Let me help you get this sheet unfolded... I'll just sit right here, and you pull. That should do the trick.
Whoa! What's all that commotion outside? It looks like birds and squirrels. I have got to get out there to catch them...
Drat. They ran up that tree. I am going to sit, watch, and wait. I am sure they will come down and make a tasty meal for me.
Day is done, gone the sun. Time to close these curtains. It has been a pretty tough day. I am ready to go to bed.
I am going to stretch out in my favorite chair and call it a day. See you tomorrow.
Maggie is one of the busiest, hard working girls I know. Much deserved rest in her favorite chair!!
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