Friday, September 7, 2012

More photos...

"Look and think before opening the shutter.  The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." -Yousuf Karsh

I so enjoyed our "official" photo shoot with Luke's boys.  Every one (and by everyone, I mean the adults.  The children are never cooperative) was pretty happy to go out to do photos...even Luke, in the beginning at least.   I had scouted out places a couple of days before, and picked clothing that was a nice contrast to the background.  Warren was happy to go along to hold the reflector for me, and the boys had a nice nap, so they could be in the best of moods. 

Sawyer and Dad...two handsome men...

Tate's not too sure he likes this.  

Now this is what I call fun, Dad!  More handsomeness!

Now Sawyer is not too sure.


Carol said...

Couldn't ask for more adorable subjects, and they're getting so big! So cute!! These are some great photos of all of them. What a happy group ... well, except when the spitting up started, I guess! But that didn't spoil the outing, just put a damp-er on things, especially Luke and Tate. Rob, I'm glad you and Warren were able to hop on the plane and go see your NC family! I'm enjoying the photos so much.

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