Friday, June 15, 2012


"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life--music and cats." -Albert Schweitzer

Our kitty, Maggie, had her 12 week check-up, complete with shots, examine, and manicure. She was a very good girl much to my relief.  She has her moments when she is who we call "mad Maggie" when she is like a ricochet rabbit running all over the place, and "mellow Maggie" when she crawls up in your lap wanting to be loved.  Today, she was insecure Maggie at the Vet's.  She gained 3/4 of a pound, so she weighs in at a whopping 2 3/4 pounds.
Maggie and Dr. Beth Holm (her Vet)
This kitten has wormed her way into Warren's heart...I heard him say, "She is a great cat."  They can be found napping together, watching TV, working on the computer (yes, she is fascinated with the computer, and her favorite spot for studying the computer is on your shoulder or head), or reading.  You can tell where she has been, because she leaves a trail of her favorite toys: her mouse, rat, bottle caps, sheriff badge, and rolly-pollies.  She loves getting in grocery sacks, and under things.
In Warren's lap

about to fall asleep.

Fun under the cowboy hat.  She loved this hiding place.

Lately, we have introduced her to the outdoors, which she loves for about 20 minutes, then she makes a mad dash for the back door.
Stalking the wild asparagus fern.

What was that?

Something caught her eye.  
That's the update on our little Maggie.


Carol said...

Maggie is definitely a "steal your heart" furry friend. Enjoying seeing her pictures and hearing about her funny antics.

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