Sunday, December 19, 2010

Unexpected sight

On Thursday afternoon, Warren and I were driving down Main Street to take the grandkids to McDonalds when we spotted a pickup pulling a horse trailer parked at Farley's. There was a small crowd of people around the horse trailer. There was not the usual horse in this trailer...there was a camel and not an ordinary camel with the one hump...this one had two humps. I wondered if one of the Wisemen had stopped for dinner at Farley's after all it was Christmas time. I asked Warren to turn around the car so we could take Erynn and Reid to see the camel; it is not every day one gets to see such a creature up close. After many excuses and me shooting them down one by one, he finally turned around and we became one of the crowd.
We discovered that the camel was not the only animal being pulled. Tucked in beside the camel was...well, I am not exactly sure what you would call it. The animal looked like a light brown horse, but it had the stripes and was the size of a Zebra. So what do you call a cross between a horse and Zebra? I don't know, but the animal was unusual. The grandkids were thrilled and amazed to have seen such a sight in our little town of Roswell. I am so glad Warren indulged us with the adventure.

Looks just like one of the Wisemen's camels


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