Joshua 24:15 says, "Choose...this day whom you will serve." Any day not surrendered to the Spirit is virtually surrendered to the flesh by simple default! My daily ritual is to come upstairs for quiet time first thing in the morning. Lately, I have felt impressed to start off my time by kneeling and with my head to the floor to give the Lord authority over my life and day. Soon after I started doing this, I was joined by our cat, Smidge. He is very much a people cat and tends to gravitate to where we are. It is not long after I come upstairs, that I hear the creaking of the staircase as he makes his way to join me. And join me he does. Most of the time I have my Bible open on the floor in front of me as I read and pray back various scriptures to the Lord, but it does get rather difficult to do when a cat chooses your Bible as his spot to plop his body. I nudge him over, but he remains very close to my face. Sometimes, I think he would like to melt into me. Another thing he likes to do is kneed my head which is sometimes not very comfortable because he still has his claws and sometimes he grooms my hair. I think he does these things because he is practicing the word of God. After all, he hears my prayers, hears the word, and now he is a doer of the word. His scripture: "you reap what you sow." He likes to have his head rubbed and scratched so he is sowing his seed by scratching and rubbing mine. At least that is what I think. Not only does he know the Word, but he works out with Warren as well. Each night when Warren goes to the workout room, Smidge goes to pump iron with him. He definitely needs the workout--especially in his gut, but it is hard to get into shape by osmosis.
Choose. Our life is a series of choices with consequences of blessings or curses. A yielded life, a life that daily chooses to live by the Spirit is a life possessed with God's power to live beyond our natural love, to experience joy, to know peace, to express patience, to possess kindness and respond in goodness, to be faithful, gentle, and submissive to His will, not our will.
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