Those in my family know my new obsession and hobby is photography. Many of you have had to put up with being my "subjects" as I learn and sharpen my skills. Erynn once told me, "Mimi, can we please quit taking pictures now?" Recently, I found a 7 week class online on the "in's and out's" of your camera, so one will not always have to use the automatic setting. (that is me for sure). The problem was that registration was for a limited number and the date for registration was a night when I would be teaching my Pilates class. I tried to find a substitute for the class, but no one was available. I turned to my husband, asking if he would sign me up. I was thrilled when he said yes. He is the best man in the world! (and not only for that reason, but this takes him up several notches in my eyes) :) I showed him how to enter the site, my password, and everything else I could think of that he might need to know. I told him I would call him after my class to see if I got in. I was very concerned he would loose track of time and forget to go online, but he assured me he had an alarm set on his phone. Was I ever impressed.
After my class, I called and sure enough he got me signed up, but not without a ton of hassles. Apparently, the site crashed, it was filled, then not filled, he couldn't get to the check out when he finally got in, and a plethora of other things. It took him over 30 minutes of "fiddling" to get me in. He said he wanted to quit, but knew how much I wanted the class, so he persisted. Wahoo, I was thrilled. I am the one rewarded for his patience.
2 Peter 3:9, says, "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, as some understand slowness. He is PATIENT with you, not wanting any one to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:15 says, "Bear in mind that our Lord's PATIENCE means salvation." I am saved because mercy prompted God's patience. I am the one rewarded for His patience.
Patience is a fruit of the spirit. In our instant society, we have learned impatience. One of the things I like to do is look up the Greek meaning of our English words from the Bible. Their language certainly has more descriptive words for terms than our English language. In studying the fruit of Spirit, I find patience has two meanings: both are equally important in understanding how patience is manifested in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Hupomone is the capacity to bear up under things or circumstances and it is inspired by hope. It is perseverance in circumstance. I picture a weight lifter bearing up the weights. Makrothumia means long-suffering in respect to people and is inspired by mercy. Mercy is fueled by forgiveness. In the parable of the merciless servant in Matthew 18:21-35, a king forgives a huge debt owed to him by his slave when the slave fell before him begging for mercy. This slave went out and found a fellow slave who owed him hardly anything, and he did not forgive. When the king found out what the slave he had forgiven had done, he not only threw him in prison, but the slave was tortured. I have read this parable many times and had never seen the fact that not only was he sent to prison, but tortured as well. Wow, we are imprisoned and tortured by our unforgiveness. The one who will not forgive suffers more than the one not forgiven. In Ephesians 4:1-2, and Colosssians 3:12-13 both contain the word patience coupled with the phrase "bearing one another." It is the Greek word anecho meaning to put up with, forebear.
I am so glad my husband had patience (humopmone, makrothumia, and anecho) when he worked so hard and diligently to get me enrolled into the online photography class. It is an understatement when we declare, "patience is hard work!" Whew, it is ever. Convenience never produces character. I start my class on March 22. I am excited and beware, I may need more "subjects" to practice on, so be patient with me!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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Glad you got in the class! We'll be your "subjects" any time ;)And thanks for the encouragement about being patient! Certainly not one of my virtues, but by God's grace, I'm learning it!
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