"Don't wait for inspiration. Take action. Action generates inspiration." -Frank Tibott
My last blog post was about my accident... truly a crisis in my life, and that of my family. It changed everything in an instant. Everybody has known someone whose either been in a "crisis" or has been in one themselves. We all have heard or said, "Let us know if there's anything we can do for you." All this is said with the best intentions and biggest heart. People want to help, but when you are in the thick of a crisis, it is difficult to know or say what you need. So if I could suggest one thing, it is to "just do" rather than ask "what can I do?" Here are some things people "just did" for me...for us.
Brought me flowers, and plants. Or sent flowers from out of state through the florist. So very wonderful.
Planted some of the plants brought to me.
Made us soup, quiche, and chili...all made from scratch no less. Brought us rotisserie chicken, and guacamole. (2 of our favorite things to eat). Not only one time, but multiple times...like every time they came to visit.
People visited. Just to BE with me. So appreciated.
Mailed Starbuck gift cards, and Bath & Body gift cards with a note...we love you.
Brought magazines and books to read. Dot-to-dot and coloring magazines.
Bought me socks with the non-slip dots, and cute pajama bottoms.
Let me borrow the best ice packs to help with my swelling ankle.
Many sent cards, letters, emails, or texts. These were so encouraging and just nice to receive to let me know I was not forgotten, but prayed for and loved.
Gifted me a massage. This was just divine, and exactly what I needed.
Came by to pick me up, so I could go get coffee or tea with all the girls.
Offered to decorate my house for the holidays, and take the decorations down after the holidays were over.
Taught me how to knit...they brought the yarn, the knitting needles, and the pattern.
Cleaned my house. Multiple times... Did laundry.
Called me just to talk.
Came to stay with me during the times Warren had to be away.
Made sure to include me in as many activities as I could handle. Like birthdays!
There were so many kind things people did for us. I hope this gives you some ideas of how to "just do". Truly, God never intended for us to do life alone. We need each other... Many thanks to all who helped put me together again. Hugs!