Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Photo Art...

"Patience walks the steady tread.
Faith, with uplifted eyes.
But hope, tiptoeing on ahead,
Sees first the sun arise." -Isla Paschal Richardson

Today I was going through all my old photos trying to get rid of the ones that are out of focus, do not have good composition, and those I just do not like.  They are taking up a lot of room on my computer.  So much so that my back-up with Carbonite is so far behind that if I had a computer crash, a lot of my photos would be lost.  I do have them all on an external hard drive, but that is getting pretty full as well.  It is time to toss.  As I was doing so, I got side tracked.  I have been taking a class by Kim Klassen, and photo artistry as well.  Both make pictures come alive with textures.  So here is the result of my getting side-tracked.

This man was walking the tracks by our Ice House.  I asked if I could take a picture of him, and he stopped for about 3 seconds.  I think he may be homeless, but he is home to all these little dogs.  

These are tanks a few streets down from the Ice House.  I caught them just as the sun was going down, hence the golden hue.  

Fun at the railroad tracks.  Look down the left rail and see the brother sitting and waiting.   

Friday, April 25, 2014

Morning Walk...

"I went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out til sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in." -John Muir

I have been going out for a daily walk early in the morning before the twins get up.  What a pleasure it has been...the beauty of the morning, creation, and the renewing of my mind.  It has proved to be very challenging around here with so many hills.  I have a nice case of shin splints as a result of the hill work.  I decided to take along my camera to document all the beauty there is to behold.   I make it a point to mailboxes, because I think, one day, they will be a thing of the past.  The mailboxes are beautifully decorated here.

Unlike New Mexico, which is dry with lots of desert plants, North Carolina has a lot of trees.  When we first visited my son, Luke,  I was surprised to see white squirrels in the trees behind their house.  Warren, my husband, jokingly claimed Luke's house was built on a previous nuclear waste sight, hence the white squirrels.  Later, I learned there are a few spots where these unique squirrels populate the forests...Hendersonville is one of them.  One of these days, I might be able to get a photograph of one instead of the sign.
One of the things I love about walking around here, is all the beautiful flowers, and blooms on the trees.  It is just gorgeous.
The Dogwood tree flower.  Legend says that the cross Christ was crucified on was made of dogwood.  The flower is said to represent the cross with two longer petals, and two short ones.  The flower above has the two longer ones going side to side, and the short, up and down.  The tips have a brownish spot, which is said to be symbolic of Christ's blood.  

  Luke's front yard...with the sun beaming through the trees.  Lovely, I think.
Linking to Kim Klassen's Friday Finds.  Go over to take a peek, you'll be amazed at the beauty.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

More from NC...

"A boy's will is the wind's will, and the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Busy... is how I would describe these days, and these boys.  And maybe helpful?  They assisted PawPaw in taking out the trash, and bringing in the mail.  See what great helpers they are?

Several pieces of mail inadvertently dropped out of their hands, but not to worry though, Mimi was there to pick it up.

Sawyer stopped along the way to read one of the magazines from today's mail.  

I want one of those

 Riding tricycles is fun... until it gets stuck in the flower bed...

or in the rocks...

or you have a wreck...

 Never fear...when the tricycle is stuck, or wrecked, it's Sawyer to the rescue...he can get you out.  

And if that doesn't work...just leave it all, and go swing.  Swinging has to be the number one favorite activity.  These guys could do this for endless hours.  Pawpaw is the best person to push...Mimi's pushing doesn't seem to measure up.  But, I don't mind at all.  I am glad to let Pawpaw do it all.

Push me...higher

 Coloring...we did some of that as well...

 But they liked peeling off the paper from the crayons best of all.

Outside fun...Just being outside is fun...

I love this picture with Pawpaw and the boys...

Cool dudes...styling in their sunglasses...Next top models for sure...


 The highlight of day was discovering two Daddy, long-leg spiders.  One on the back porch, and one in the front lawn.  They watched the spiders forever...well...until the spiders found safety away from the boys in some cracks, and crannies.  I think I heard the spiders emit a great sigh of relief to be away from these two.

That was our day... fun filled...and busy...so long for now...

from Sawyer...

And Tate.
Be Blessed.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter...with the twins...

"He's Alive..."

When I first heard this song years ago, I thought it powerful...and I still think it is equally powerful today.

Warren and I are in NC babysitting the twins.  After Luke picked us up at the airport, we went to get baskets for the boys.  I brought filled eggs in my suitcase economizing on my wardrobe, so everything would fit.  Of all the things in their baskets, the Elmo DVD, and Mr. Potato Heads were the favorite items...well, the candy too, but that doesn't count.

PawPaw became the Potato Head expert...

whoa, lots of parts...and a trap door.  

It wasn't long before PawPaw was fixing the trap door that came off with the help of over eager little hands...

The glasses became a particular favorite Potato head accessory...and not necessarily for Mr. Potato head...

Tate...better vision now????

The Easter egg hunt...



Oh boy...Eggs...

and Easter basket hats...

Egg eyes...
As if that was not enough egg hunting, their church had another egg hunt...but the eggs were all in plain sight...all 10,000 of them.  All the eggs were empty.  The kids were to take all the eggs they gathered to a table where they would be exchanged for a bag of goodies...candy, pencils, coupons for kids meals at various restaurants.  What a deal!

A lot of eggs...

Tate...so cute in his Easter duds...
Sawyer's sack of eggs is almost as big as he is...
Hmmm.  These make good ears...

I had to put this picture in.  This is PawPaw watching a bicycle race on the computer.  Tate and Sawyer liked it as much as he did.  They watched a long time...Tour de France here we come...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter... we did.  Empty egg...empty tomb...He is Risen...Indeed!

Be Blessed!

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